Monday, February 22, 2016

Things are coming together

Spring is starting early in the Midwest, and my job in big agriculture is behind me. The dream of urban farming as a profession has finally come true, and the years of planning are over. Now is the time to jump in and do this thing!

My family and I live in the upper Midwest in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin. Our urban lot is 0.26 acres (including the 1500 sq. ft. footprint of our house). My gardens are currently located in our backyard and in a plot at a local community garden. I am also an avid cyclist, and I bike for pleasure and transportation. The Madison area has many, many miles of bike trails and lanes and a great cycling community. Other than growing food, a good day includes getting outside and riding around.

The goal of this blog is to document my first year of full time city farming while living a fun, sustainable, urban lifestyle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Things are really coming together for you! I know you will enjoy the freedom which independent urban farming will provide you! Good luck in this new chapter of life!!