Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Spring 2017

Most of the days this spring have looked like this...

But even though it's been a wet and cool start to the growing season and we are a bit behind, things are coming along nicely!

The garlic over-wintered successfully under a warm layer of straw. It's looking healthy and green!

Salad greens are still in full force and we're starting to harvest radish. Last week at the farmers' market I threw in a couple of radishes with each bag of salad mix. We should have more of both this week!

The tomatillos are flowering (which seems crazy early) but if the flowers can survive a few more cool nights they should have fruit set soon. I can't wait for fresh green salsa!

The next farmers' market is this Thursday at Greenway Station, 8am to 1pm. Hope to see you there!

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Kids' day at the market this week!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Countdown to the first farmers' market

It's a busy time here at Two Wheels Urban Farm, and next Thursday morning is our first farmers' market day at Greenway Station in Middleton. I plan to give a better update next week as to what we'll have for sale, including what garden plants will be available.

Until then, here's a brief update in photos!

The early planted veggies are starting to look like they could be harvested soon.

Because of cool temperatures, most of the plants still have floating row cover.

We set up the orange market tent and sign this week to make sure we had all the supplies we need and could figure out how to open up the tent!

Have a great weekend everyone, and look for information early next week about opening market day!